Wilber School Redevelopment Committee

June 5th, 2006 Meeting Minutes

Approved 7/17/06



Committee Attendees

Jim Goldsmith--Chairperson

Marilyn Z. Kahn

David DePree – Co-Chairperson

Marcia Liebman

Michael Baskin

Melissa Mills

Craig Edwards

Joel Tran

David Gordon




Walter Newman - ZBA

Stephen Crane - Consultant


Meeting Initiation

Meeting called to order at 7:40 pm by Jim Goldsmith, who announced his resignation from the WSRC as he was moving to Portland, Maine.



v      Tran/Edwards moved to nominate David DePree as Chairperson of the Committee; approved unanimously.

v      Liebman/Tran moved that the committee reconsider the amount approved for the Horsley Witten contract at the 4/10 meeting, increasing it to $16,200; approved unanimously.


Meeting Minutes

v      Liebman/Mills moved to accept May 22nd minutes; unanimously approved.  


Meeting discussion:

v      Liebman reported that all comments received from varying town committee members, as well as legal counsel, were incorporated into the RFP.

v      Newman thinks the HW suggestions are environmentally sound but raised concerns that contractors may not be familiar with the suggestions. He suggested that guidance by the committee may be needed.

v      DePree stated HW owes the WSRC the final report on area groundwater and basement flooding and he will ask that estimates related to the concept plan be included in that report. (Although final bill received, committee decided to approve payment of only $5,000 of the $7,665.63 until receipt of the final report.)

v      Tran suggested committee members participate in the Pre-Proposal meeting with prospective developers to help provide perspective on committee goals.

v      Crane suggested the town hold a day-time developer-candidate conference to discuss the property and requirements. Town counsel should be present. A site visit would be dependent on the safety of the building. This meeting should be held one third to half way through the RFP process.

v      DePree raised the question of the town’s need for a septic treatment facility; Crane responded that the RFP is will allow developers to give suggestions of what they can provide. The key is to maintain, if not lessen, level of nitrates put into the groundwater. Crane advised letting the market drive whether the HW proposal is followed. The developer will find a way to research the issues.

v      The RFP is on the agenda for the 6/6 Selectmen Meeting. We will also request a placeholder for a warrant to approve the developer lease at the November town meeting.  We will also ask if the BOS office will serve as the distribution/collection site for the RFP and if the BOS secretary can be responsible for keeping the necessary records pertaining to this process. (Crane will develop the forms to be used.) Will also ask for clarification as to who selects the developer and negotiates the contract. DePree, Gordon, and Liebman will attend.


v      Crane discussed that the law requires the RFP be listed in a newspaper of general circulation like Banker’s and Tradesmen, Boston Globe or the Herald in a classified legal ad as well as within the Central Register (which is also web based). The RFP should be out for 60 days. Liebman reported that, after subtracting the balance of amounts owed to Horsley Witten and Stephen Crane, we have $11,000 in our budget to cover our secretary, advertising, and any other future expenses. Committee agreed advertising for this RFP would be no more than $5,000 (in case we had to issue another RFP.)

v      Crane will provide an email version of an appropriate ad to be placed in the papers as well as current rates. It was suggested that we advertise on 6/18, 6/25, 7/9 and 7/16 making the proposal available on 7/5 to all bidders. Bids will be due Friday, August 25th at 11 am EDT.

v      Baskin stated that the SSBC is within a few weeks of sending out the abatement RFP. Abatement should be completed by fall.

v      Crane reminded the committee that responses to RFP questions will only be given in writing and advised that we need to be very careful to carry this out. If one bidder asks a question, then the question and response needs to be supplied to all bidders in writing.

v      Group did final review of the RFP; Liebman to incorporate the changes and re-issue tomorrow so Selectmen can view before their meeting.



Future Meetings

June 12th, 2006, 7:30pm, Town Hall, Hearing Room Lower Level


Meeting Adjournment

      Edwards/Mills moved to adjourn meeting at 9:55 pm; passed unanimously.


Respectfully submitted,

Rachelle F. Levitts